Legacies, November 2002 retreat

(held at Shalom Hill Farm near Windom, MN)

The next folk school retreat, November 1-3, occurs around All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and the Mexican Day of the Dead — celebrations that help us recall those people who have been important in shaping our lives — and the ways what we do now contributes to lives in the next generations. The next folk school retreat will be built around such thoughts. Its theme is “Legacies” — We want to ask what we have received and what we are passing on — as individuals and as participants in groups and institutions and movements.

The questions and activities for the session are still to be decided — and of course, your participation and ideas are welcome. We hope to make time for preserving the memories of those who have been important to us and for imagining the way we wish to be remembered.

This retreat will leave time on Saturday afternoon for private reflection and writing and for group projects, which may be arranged spontaneously or planned in advance. People who wish to use this time to meet with friends and coworkers to plan and conspire and evaluate their common projects are encouraged to do so. The pre-planned meals and common program times will be Friday evening and Saturday morning, with remaining meals and activities, including a possible celebratory feast on Saturday evening, planned and created by retreat participants.

Peter and Lynn will present a plan for the Friday evening and Saturday morning program times on October 20th at the folk school planning meeting at Lynn’s (separate announcement and directions in a day or two). Contact Lynn (612-331-2263 or engl8813@umn.edu) or Peter (612-521-8616 or shea0017@tc.umn.edu) if you would like to help with pre-retreat planning.


RESERVING YOUR ROOM. A total of 18 rooms are available for this retreat. A room is held for you when you inform John Wallace (walla003@tc.umn.edu) or Lynn Englund (engl8813@umn.edu) that you wish to attend. Please register by October 30 so we can plan for the meal Friday evening.

ARRIVING AND DEPARTING. We will expect you to arrive by 6 p.m. for dinner on Friday and to stay with us until 12 noon on Sunday unless other arrangements are communicated.

COST. Shalom Hill Farm charges $20 per person per night for lodging, single occupancy. Double occupancy rooms are charged at $15 per person per night. Our group will be buying our own food and preparing our own meals. Based on the experience of previous workshops, it will cost $15 per person for food for Friday dinner through Sunday brunch. So, the total cost is $55 per person single occupancy or $45 per person double occupancy.

SLIDING FEE. To recognize the fact that different people have different abilities to pay, we offer a self-selected sliding fee ranging from $35 to $75. What you pay is up to you–there is no application or review process. If you choose to pay less than cost ($55), you are accepting a scholarship. If you choose to pay more than cost, you are providing a scholarship for someone else.

BANKER. John Wallace will serve as the banker for this retreat. Please make your checks out to him. You may pay in advance or at the retreat. If you want to send me a check, please send it to John at 4536 Dupont Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409.

PERSONAL GEAR AND BEDDING. Shalom Hill Farm provides sheets, towels, and blankets. You won’t need to bring your sleeping bag, but do bring personal toiletries including soap and shampoo.

TRANSPORTATION. We encourage car pooling and will help to coordinate rides. Please let John or Lynn know if you need a ride or if you can provide rides. John will put out a summary of who is driving and who needs a ride so that good travel matches can be made. Also, please let John know if you would like to caravan with other cars. Allow at least 2.5 hours of travel time from Minneapolis, more if traveling during rush hour.

MEALS. Simple meals are prepared on site by retreat participants. Meals are often entirely vegetarian, but if not, a vegetarian option will be available. Please note any special dietary needs when you register.

REGISTRATION. Please register by October 30 so that some food can be purchased in advance. Simply e-mail John Wallace (walla003@umn.edu) or Lynn Englund (engl8813@umn.edu) saying that you intend to participate. Please include in your registration message the following information:

1. Name

2. Food requirements: vegetarian, vegan, other food desires or allergies?

3. If you are driving, let us know your estimated departure and arrival times and whether you will have room for others.

4. If you need a ride, indicate the time you can leave and where you will be leaving from on Friday.

5. When we should expect you if you are unable to arrive by 6 pm or need to leave early.

Author: Lynn

Contributor of ideas and possibilities for cooperative governance, education, and society; maker, mother, daughter, life partner; lifelong learner.